Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Death and Rebirth of Ellis Williams: "Death Part 1"


They say that you can judge the measure of a man by witnessing the path from which he came. What is true passion when it comes to the art of music?  Is there a standard that we use to measure the true passion of a musician? 

I used to think when someone said, “I love music” that they meant that they like to listen to and/or perform it.  The past year has given me many blessings, I can not deny that, but I believe that it took me losing my passion and drive to realize just how serious and crazy you must be to live the life of a music entertainer.  A few weeks ago I saw a movie called “The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete” that inspired me to blog again. So for my first blog entry in almost 7 months this is it, the death and inevitable rebirth of Ellis Williams. 

High Expectations

You know how they tell you never to give up on your passion?  Its a damn lie, well, in most cases at least.  Sometimes God wants you to slow down and reevaluate what his original guidelines are for you.  In my case he wanted me to stop dead in my tracks so I could see where I was going. 
Over a year ago I believed that my purpose was leading me back to where it all begin; Broward County, Florida.  I had plans of finishing my Euphoria album, gaining local fame, attaining my masters, marring my girlfriend, and starting up my own business.  Unfortunately, 60% of my plans failed due to my pride, believe it or not.  Pride was the strongest and most dangerous characteristic in my life and it took God stripping me of a lot of “false happiness” to see how bad I let it get. 
Losing a promising relationship was just the first step of a slow death for me.  Separating from my ex gave me the liberation to do whatever I wanted in South Florida but I had a hard time coming to grips with it.  I was never the type of person to let go so easily and didn't believe the idea of, "To get over someone you have to get into another." The fault in my ways was sacrificing a lot of time from my music so that I could work tiring jobs in hopes of building a future that was never meant to be . . . 

To Be Continued . . . 

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